Most parents of young children buy a portable travel crib of some sort. The majority opt for a Graco playpen (and these are our most popular rented cribs at Little Traveller) but there are other options. We also rent out the Peapod travel bed and Baby Bjorn Travel Crib Light -- two lightweight, portable sleeping options for children under 4. The Peapod weighs in at under 6lbs and the Baby Bjorn crib at 11lb (compare that with the Graco playpen which is over 20lbs) and that makes them both excellent travel companions.

Delicious Baby has given the Peapod the thumbs up in a
review this week (
the site reviewed the Baby Bjorn Travel Crib earlier this year). They are giving away a Peapod next week (starting September 14) -- check back
here for details on how to enter to win.

To give either of these products a try or to rent them for an upcoming trip in the Calgary area, give
Little Traveller baby equipment rentals a call on 1-877-242-4067.