I've been using Spud.ca for a while now -- since my first child was born and getting out to the grocery store on a regular basis became more of a challenge. This online grocery company delivers fresh, local, organic produce to my door every Wednesday.
Little Traveller has teamed up with Spud to provide organic/green baby essentials for families travelling to Calgary. If you'd like formula, baby food, diapers or anything else delivered to your hotel or grandma's house or added to your equipment rental order through Little Traveller, drop us a line and we'll arrange for it to be delivered on time through Spud.ca. Visit their website for more product information or send Little Traveller a list of what you need.
Little Traveller baby equipment rentals is featured in the Garlic Press newsletter this week that goes out to all Spud customers and on the Spudfan blog site.
As well as Calgary, Spud delivers to the metro Vancouver area and Vancouver Island (as well as a number of locations in the US).