Friday, May 8, 2009

A winning combination

Massage and childcare... yay! I just read that Prema Sai Wholistic Living now has free childcare available on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings. My prayers are answered. I no longer have to schedule my monthly massage for last thing on a Thursday night or guiltily squeeze it in around our weekend plans. Now I can bring my kids along and enjoy a leisurely mid-morning slot while they play.

Prema Sai has 29 practioners on staff offering a wide range of wholistic treatments including massage (Tibeton Bon, lymphatic drainage, deep tissue, hot stone and more), acupuncture and reflexology. What's more they specialize in prenatal therapies and will even arrange your baby shower for you.

You can book online and find them in Calgary at 2613 14St SW. Ask about their Mother's Day special.